Administrative Tasks
Add a column to a BrightWork list
Edit a BrightWork list column
BrightWork icons
BrightWork list settings page
Choice icon column
Number indicator icon column
Column visibility settings
Completed flag
Create a BrightWork list
Email notification
Reference Numbering
Update reference numbers
Export and import list data
Modify a BrightWork list
Process guidance help link column
BrightWork users report
User Access Report
Advanced Share
Create scheduled report emails
Manage scheduled report emails
BrightWork Lists
About BrightWork lists
Custom list
Project change request
Project goals
Project issues
Project phases & milestones
Project risks
Report - tabs
Project tasks
Projects tracker
Project deliverables document library
BrightWork Reporter Library
About the BrightWork Reporter library
Copy a report
Upload a report
Using the custom location option
Edit report descriptions
Report locations
Deep dive with Reporter
Design Sync
About design sync
Sync site with template
Site sync log
Manually bind site to template
Remove bindings
Workflow design sync deep dive
Configure template binding
Edit Report Code
About editing report code
Using Microsoft Visual Studio
Add or edit a query source
Add or edit a view descriptor
BrightWork Basics
Manage a Project
Manage a Portfolio
What's New, Upgrading, and Licenses
Configuring BrightWork
Optimizing BrightWork
Go Even Deeper With Reporter
Deep dive with Reporter
About installing BrightWork
Post-install Checklist
Install BrightWork
Upgrade BrightWork
Migrate BrightWork 2010 to BrightWork 2013
Install and Upgrade
Migrate BrightWork 2013 to BrightWork 2016
Uninstall BrightWork
Migrate BrightWork 2016 to BrightWork 2019
Migrate BrightWork 2019 to BrightWork Subscription Edition
Migrate BrightWork 2016 to BrightWork Subscription Edition
List Query Templates
Add a list query template
Edit a list query template
Remove a list query template
Edit list inclusion settings
Edit column mappings
Create a project statement join
About portfolios
Create a portfolio
Add a project site to a portfolio
Edit or delete a portfolio item
Delete a portfolio
Project Area
About the project area
Create project area
Tailor project area
Project Cache
About the project cache
Refresh or update a cache
Switch to project cache reports
Add columns to the project cache
Configuring the project cache
Reset the project cache
Project Calendars
About project calendars
Activate the default project calendar
Create an exception day
Create and enable a project calendar
About active calendar and regional settings
BrightWork settings
Define working week
Project Metric Joins
About project metric joins
Add a project metric
Edit a project metric
Remove a project metric
Project Metrics
About the project metrics list
Create a calculated number metric
Create a manual number metric
Create a manual date metric
Create a calculated date metric
Edit manual metrics
Number metric history chart
Recalculate metrics
Exporting and importing metrics
Exclude site from metric recalculation timer job
Project metrics columns
Add metrics to a project
Adding metrics to a project office
Project Requests
Project request manager
Log a project request
Review a project request
Rank project requests
Approve or reject a project request
Create a project from a project request
Project request documents
Project request metrics
Configure process
About the project status report cache
Project Status Report Cache
Add columns to the project status report cache
Configuring the project status report cache
Reset the project status report cache
Project Status Reports
Create a project status report
Status report column mapping
Project Structured
Getting started with project structured
Sync task list with Microsoft Project
Populate your plan
Create a project baseline
About the project structured macro
Reusing site as a template
Project Team and Roles
Project teams and roles
Setup teams and roles
Associate work items with roles
Propagate owner values
What is a project site?
Create project site
Tailor the project
Project statement list
Project reports
Delete a project site
Project settings
Project ribbon
Create project default settings
Project Site Archiving
Release History
Email scheduler
SQL Server feed
Report XML reference guide
Design Sync admin tasks
Activate BrightWork timer job feature
Adjust BrightWork timer job
Project Schedule List - Deprecated
Obsolete Reports
Obsolete Columns
Server side email scheduler
Override the Email From Address
Create a Project Using the BrightWork Web Service
PowerShell Admin Utilities
Report Columns
Add a new column
Add predefined report columns
Edit a column
Working with expressions
Change the column order
Remove a column
Report Definition Tips
Identify the real SharePoint column name
Make a Reporter definition xml file available to all SharePoint sites
Get status icon to display for SharePoint lists
Report off site collections in the root site
Filter by user name across site collections
Extract view descriptor from a report
Report Editor
About the report editor
Check out and reports
Working with Query CAML
BrightWork and SharePoint list types
Report Filters
Add a new report filter
Edit a report filter
Remove a report filter
Change the order of report filters
Edit overall report filter settings
Report filter options
Reporter Basics
About BrightWork Reporter
About Gantt reports
About resource usage reports
About report data sources
Linking options
Reports, scope and portfolios
Site and project statement filtering
Supplied reports
In-report filtering and sorting
Configure BrightWork Reporter
Save report as web part template
Using BrightWork Reporter outside of BrightWork
List of Lists
Reporter Ribbon
About the Reporter ribbon
Create a personal report
Clear personal report settings
Configure shared settings
Report information window
About the report filter editor
Reporter Settings Page
About the Reporter settings page
Chart reports
Gantt reports
List item reports
Resource usage reports
Report profiler
New Gantt reports
Setup resource apportionment
About resource allocation
Configure resource allocation
Deep dive into resource management configuration
Resource Management
Reporting: About resource reports
Reporting: Configure resource reports
Setup a Project Office
Set up a project office
Select templates
Create templates
Create project hierarchy
Share Reports
Sharing reports
Print preview
Print report
Email report
Export report to excel
Export report to XML
Export report to web query
Export data to dynamic excel
Export data to static excel
SharePoint Basics
About BrightWork
Help & Guidance
My Work Report
What is a list?
What is a view?
What is a web part?
What is a document library?
What is a site collection?
About alerts
Create a list item
Update a list item
About adding users
About BrightWork and SharePoint security
Site Collections
About BrightWork site collections
Create BrightWork site collections
What is a site?
About BrightWork copy site
Site provisioning log
Configure content setting
Copy sites between site collections
Site Filters
About site filters
Add a site filter
Edit a site filter
Remove a site filter
Supplied Metrics
Project Lite Template
Project Standard Template
Project Structured Template
Project Office Template
Program Management Office Template
Project Request Manager Template
Projects and Work Tracker Template
Task Scheduler
Configure task scheduling
About the task scheduler
Project management templates
BrightWork templates overview
Create a template
Delete a template
Determine template usage
Getting started tiles
Projects and Work Tracker
Open in Dialog from Quick Launch
Tips and Troubleshooting
Project Cache Access Error Message
Determine the BrightWork Version Number
Minimal Download Strategy Issues
No Datasheet for certain List Views
BrightWork Users Report
Unable to Switch to Edit Page View
Identify BrightWork Reporter Web Part GUID
Project Status Report Updates not Visible in Reports
Metrics History Chart Access Error Message
Reports and Historical Data
Identify the Internal SharePoint Column Name
Error Message in a SharePoint View or List
Lookup Columns Threshold Error Message
Projects Tracker Start and Finish dates being set to 394652192
Gantt Caching Error Message
Value does not fall within the expected range
Project Deliverables New Document Error
Custom Number String Examples
Custom Date and Time Display Formats
Cannot Include Content when Saving Metrics List as a Template
Project Cache % Complete Decimal Setting
Edit Project Request Manager Emails
BrightWork Reporter and Metric Tiles Show Incorrect Metrics Version
Error Opening a List Item after the Deletion of a Nintex Form
List View web part with grouping is stuck loading
Training Scenarios
Report editor training scenarios
Add a column to a list and update report
Add a filter to a report
Edit list inclusion settings
Create and use a custom site filter
Web Parts
About BrightWork web parts
Add a BrightWork web part
Add a BrightWork web part page
Configure a web part
Remove a web part
Area summary
List chart view
List Gantt view
Lookup view
Metric history chart
Metric scorecard
My alerts
Project statement costs
Project statement dates
Project statement property
Project statement XML
Web hierarchy view
Export and import web parts
Metric tiles
List board view
Gantt chart
List grid view
Refresh a cache at site level
About the work cache
Add columns to the work cache
Configuring the work cache
Work Cache
Reset the work cache
Criteria for the work cache
Configure list items to include
Remove list template mapping from the work cache