Microsoft Visual Studio (and Visual Studio Community) has a number of advantages that make it a good tool for editing Report Definition XML files. It is an excellent editor, a commonly available tool that many IT professionals will already have but primarily it can load an XML schema file that can be used to validate the Reporter Definition XML file as well as provide Intellisense prompting of the valid syntax.
If you do not have the full version of Visual Studio, you can download and install the free Visual Studio Community at
You will need to have the BrightWork Reporter Schema Files in a convenient location on your desktop.
To obtain the schema files, paste the below URLs into your browser Address field and replace the [servername] element with your server name:
Visual Studio includes the ability to read the schema file associated with a particular XML file and give code prompts, as shown in the below screenshot.
To use Intellisense in Visual Studio:
Note: See here for more information about opening Reporter Definitions in Visual Studio Express.
To validate the code: