Create a New List of Lists

The list of lists enables you to name the lists that you want the report to query.

To create a new list of lists:

  1. Navigate to the site that contains the list that you added columns to in the Add Column to List and Update Report scenario.

  2. Click Settings Add an app.
  3. Click Custom List (BrightWork).
  4. Give the list a name, e.g. 'Country - Lists'.
  5. Click Create.

Edit List Inclusion Settings for Your Report

To edit the list inclusion settings:

  1. Navigate to the BrightWork Reporter Library, select your report and click Files | Report Editor.
  2. Scroll down to the List Query Templates section and click Edit the list inclusion settings.
  3. Enter the name of the list you just created in the List Name field (e.g. Country - Lists).

  4. Click Update.

Add List to List of Lists

As the report will only report on lists named in the list of lists, you next have to add the list to the list of lists.

To add list to list of lists:

  1. Navigate to the site containing the list of lists (i.e. the same one that contains the list that you added columns to in the Add Column to List and Update Report scenario).
  2. Click View All Site Content.
  3. Click the link to the list of lists you created (e.g. Country - Lists).
  4. Click New on the list toolbar.
  5. Enter the name of the list you want to report off (e.g. Project Issues) and click OK.

Now, the report will only show items that meet the filter criteria that the report user specifies.

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