This document outlines the metrics available with BrightWork on a template by template basis. The purpose of this is to make it easier for you to understand the available metrics and decide which ones are relevant to you.

Metrics have common Titles and Metric IDs across all templates. The calculation method used in each metric often depends on the template in question. The availability of a metric also depends on the template in question. The more robust a template, the more metrics it is likely to have.

Project Lite

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
% Complete PercentComplete Percent complete for the project. This Manual Number Metric is used to track the % Complete of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the % Complete column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Actual Duration ActualDuration The actual project duration so far. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Closed Issues ClosedIssues Number of Closed Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Closed report. No Calculated Number Metric
Closed Tasks ClosedTasks Number of Closed Tasks.This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with a Status of Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Duration EstDurationAtCompletion Duration, also called Estimated Duration at Completion, is the total duration for the project. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric

Health Ind. Status

Health Overall Project Health. This Calculated Number Metric returns the Health value from the Project Statement. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Health column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Late Issues

Issues Ind. Status

Issues Number of Issues with a Red Status Indicator. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Red Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Issues column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Tasks OpenTasks Number of Open Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Status value not set to Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Items OverdueItems Number of Overdue items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Overdue Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Tasks OverdueTasks Number of Overdue Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Finish Date PlannedFinishDate Planned Finish Date for the project, also called Baseline Finish date. This Manual Date Metric used to track the Planned Finish Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric
Planned Start Date PlannedStartDate Planned Start Date for the project, also called Baseline Start date. This Manual Date Metric is used to track the Planned Start Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric
Project Documents ProjectDocuments Number of items in the Project Documents library. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Documents library. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Issues ProjectIssues Number of items in the Project Issues list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Issues list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Metrics ProjectMetrics Number of items in the Project Metrics list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Metrics list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Tasks ProjectTasks Number of tasks in the Project Tasks list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list. No Calculated Number Metric

Quality Ind. Status

Quality Number of Open Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Open Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Quality column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Duration EstDurationToComplete Remaining Duration, also called Estimated Duration to Complete, is the total duration remaining for the project. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Start Date ActualStartDate Actual Start Date for the project. This Manual Date Metric is used to track the Start Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric

Time Ind. Status

Time Current Finish Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Finish Date from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Finish Date metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Time and Current Finish Date columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Unassigned Items UnassignedItems Number of Unassigned items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Unassigned Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Work Last Modified Date WorkLastModifiedDate Work Last Modified Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Modified date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Last Modified Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric

Project Standard

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
% Complete PercentComplete Percent complete for the project. This Manual Number Metric is used to track the % Complete of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the % Complete column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Actual Duration ActualDuration The actual project duration so far. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Closed Issues ClosedIssues Number of Closed Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Closed report. No Calculated Number Metric
Closed Tasks ClosedTasks Number of Closed Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with a Status of Completed. No Calculated Number Metric

Cost Ind. Status

Cost Estimated Cost at Completion also called Estimate at Completion (EAC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Cost metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Cost and Current Cost columns of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Actual Cost ActualCost Actual Cost (AC) of Work Performed (ACWP). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Actual Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Duration EstDurationAtCompletion Duration, also called Estimated Duration at Completion, is the total duration for the project. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric
Remaining Cost EstCostToComplete Remaining Cost also called Estimate to Complete (ETC).This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Remaining Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Cost PlannedCost Planned Cost also called Baseline Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric

Health Ind. Status

Health Overall Project Health. This Calculated Number Metric returns the Health value from the Project Statement. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Health column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
High Priority Issues HighPriorityIssues Number of High Priority Issues in the Project Issues list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with a Priority of (1) High. No Calculated Number Metric
Late Issues

Issues Ind. Status

Issues Number of Issues with a Red Status Indicator. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Red Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Issues column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Late Milestones LateMilestones Number of Late Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Milestones Milestones Number of Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Milestones OpenMilestones Number of Open Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Status value not set to Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Tasks OpenTasks Number of Open Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Status value not set to Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Items OverdueItems Number of Overdue items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Overdue Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Tasks OverdueTasks Number of Overdue Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Finish Date PlannedFinishDate Planned Finish Date for the project, also called Baseline Finish date. This Manual Date Metric used to track the Planned Finish Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric
Planned Start Date PlannedStartDate Planned Start Date for the project, also called Baseline Start date. This Manual Date Metric is used to track the Planned Start Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric
Project Documents ProjectDocuments Number of items in the Project Documents library. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Documents library. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Goals ProjectGoals Number of items in the Project Goals List. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Goals list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Issues ProjectIssues Number of items in the Project Issues list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Issues list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Metrics ProjectMetrics Number of items in the Project Metrics list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Metrics list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Risks ProjectRisks Number of items in the Project Risks List. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Risks list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Status Reports ProjectStatusReports Number of Status Reports. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Status Reports list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Tasks ProjectTasks Number of tasks in the Project Tasks list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list. No Calculated Number Metric

Quality Ind. Status

Quality Number of Open Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Open Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Quality column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Duration EstDurationToComplete Remaining Duration, also called Estimated Duration to Complete, is the total duration remaining for the project. This Manual Number Metric is automatically fed a value when tasks are scheduled. This option can be turned off in the task list and the value updated manually. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Number Metric

Risk Ind. Status

Risk Project Risk Exposure. Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Exposure values for active items in the Project Risks list. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Risk column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Start Date ActualStartDate Actual Start Date for the project. This Manual Date Metric is used to track the Start Date of the project. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Manual Date Metric
Status Report Last Run StatusReportLastRun Created date of the current Project Status Report. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Created date from all the items in the Project Status Reports list's Current Report view. No Calculated Date Metric

Time Ind. Status

Time Current Finish Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Finish Date from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Project Planned Finish Date metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Time and Current Finish Date columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Unassigned Items UnassignedItems Number of Unassigned items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Unassigned Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Work Last Modified Date WorkLastModifiedDate Work Last Modified Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Modified date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Last Modified Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric

Project Structured

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
% Complete PercentComplete Percent complete for the Project. This Calculated Number Metric returns the % Complete value from the Project Tasks list's Project Summary view. If active, this Metric is used in the % Complete column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Actual Cost ActualCost Actual Cost (AC) of Work Performed (ACWP). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Actual Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Actual Duration ActualDuration Actual Duration completed. This Calculated Number Metric returns the maximum Actual Duration value from all the items in the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Duration completed column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Actual Finish Date ActualFinishDate Latest Actual Finish Date recorded so far in the project. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Actual Finish date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Date Metric
Actual Work ActualWork Actual Work performed. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Actual Work values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Work column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Budget Budget Budgeted Cost, also called Budget at Completion (BAC). This Manual Number Metric needs to be maintained in this list item. No Manual Number Metric
Budgeted Cost vs. Estimated Cost at Completion BCvsECAC Project Budgeted Cost versus Project Estimated Cost at Completion Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Est. Cost At Completion values from all the items returned by the All Work Items report. The value returned is compared to the Budget metric to determine the indicator icon. No Calculated Number Metric
Budgeted Cost vs. Planned Cost BCvsPC Project Budgeted Cost versus Project Planned Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work Items report. The value returned is compared to the Budget metric to determine the indicator icon. No Calculated Number Metric
Closed Issues ClosedIssues Number of Closed Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Closed report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Closed Milestones ClosedMilestones Number of Closed Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Status of Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Closed Tasks ClosedTasks Number of Closed Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with a Status of Completed. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Cost Ind. Status

Cost Estimated Cost at Completion also called Estimate at Completion (EAC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Cost metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Cost and Current Cost columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Critical Tasks CriticalTasks Number of Critical Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Critical flag set. No Calculated Number Metric
Critical Tasks Tracking Late CriticalTasksTrackingLate Number of future Critical Tasks that are Tracking to be Late. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with their Critical flag set, a Finish Date in the future, and a Finish Variance greater than 0. No Calculated Number Metric
Customer Required Date CustomerRequiredDate Date customer requires delivery before. This Manual Date Metric needs to be maintained in this list item. No Manual Date Metric
Customer Satisfaction

Customer Sat. Ind. Status

CustomerSatisfaction Number of Customer and Sponsor related Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with an Issue Type of People.Sponsor or People.Customer. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Customer Satisfaction column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Due Date DueDate Latest Due Date found in Work items. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Due Date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Due Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Date Metric
Duration EstDurationAtCompletion Duration, also called Estimated Duration at Completion, is the total duration for the project. This Calculated Number Metric returns the maximum estimated Duration at completion value from all the items in the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Duration Variance DurationVariance Duration Variance is the difference between Planned Duration and the estimate Duration at completion for the project. This Calculated Number Metric returns the Duration Variance from the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Duration Variance column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Earned Value Cost EarnedValueCost Earned Value (EV) using Cost for Closed Work Items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the Closed Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Earned Value Cost of Task EarnedValueCostTasks Earned Value (EV) using Cost for Tasks that are Completed. Also called Budget Cost of Work Performed (BCWP). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values for items in the Project Tasks list with a Status of Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Earned Value Work EarnedValueItemsWork Earned Value (EV) using Work for Closed Work Items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Work values from all the items returned by the Closed Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Earned Value Work for Tasks EarnedValueWorkTasks Earned Value (EV) using Work for Tasks that are Completed. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Est. Work At Completion values for items in the Project Tasks list with a Status of Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Cost EstCostToComplete Remaining Cost also called Estimate to Complete (ETC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Remaining Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Duration EstDurationToComplete Remaining Duration or Estimated Duration to Complete. This Calculated Number Metric returns the maximum Estimated Duration To Complete value from all the items in the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Estimated Duration to Complete column of the All Project Summaries report.
Est. Work At Completion EstWorkAtCompletion Estimated Work at Completion. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Work values from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Work metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Est. Work At Completion column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Est. Work To Complete EstWorkToComplete Remaining Work or Estimated Work to Complete. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Est. Work To Complete values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Est. Work To Complete column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Health Ind. Status

Health Overall Project Health. This Calculated Number Metric uses the sum of the Indicator Status Codes in the Project Metrics list for Active metrics to determine an overall Health. Metrics showing Warning icons have a value of 1 and metrics showing Danger icons have a value of 2. The more Warning or Danger values the higher the value returned. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Health column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
High Priority Issues HighPriorityIssues Number of High Priority Issues in the Project Issues list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with a Priority of (1) High. No Calculated Number Metric
Late Issues

Issues Ind. Status

Issues Number of Issues with a Red Status Indicator. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Red Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Issues column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Late Milestones LateMilestones Number of Late Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Milestones Milestones Number of Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set. No Calculated Number Metric
Milestones Tracking Late MilestonesTrackingLate Number of future Milestones that are Tracking to be Late. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set, a Finish Date in the future, and a Finish Variance greater than 0. No Calculated Number Metric
Missed Milestones MissedMilestones Number of Milestones that Missed their deadline. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of completed items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Finish Variance greater than 0. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Critical Tasks OpenCriticalTasks Number of Open Critical Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Critical flag set and a Status value not set to Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Milestones OpenMilestones Number of Open Milestones. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Milestone flag set and a Status value not set to Completed. No Calculated Number Metric
Open Tasks OpenTasks Number of Open Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list with their Status value not set to Completed. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Critical Tasks OverdueCriticalTasks Number of Overdue Critical Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with their Critical flag set and a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Items OverdueItems Number of Overdue items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Overdue Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Overdue Tasks OverdueTasks Number of Overdue Tasks. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Tasks list with a Finish Date before today. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Cost PlannedCost Planned Cost also called Baseline Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Duration PlannedDuration Planned Duration also called Baseline Duration. This Calculated Number Metric returns the maximum Planned Duration value from all the items in the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Duration column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Finish Date PlannedFinishDate Planned Finish Date for the project, also called Baseline Finish date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Planned Finish date from all the items returned by the All Work report If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Planned Start Date PlannedStartDate Planned Start Date for the project, also called Baseline Start date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the earliest Planned Start date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Planned Value Cost of Tasks PlannedValueCostTasks Planned Value (PV) using Cost for Tasks that are due to be completed. Also called Budget Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values for items in the Project Tasks list with a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Value Work for Tasks PlannedValueWorkTasks Planned Value (PV) using Work for Tasks that are due to be completed. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Work values for items in the Project Tasks list with a Finish Date before today. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Work PlannedWork Planned Work also called Baseline Work. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Work values from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Work column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Process Ind. Status

Process Number of Project Method, Legal or Regulatory Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with an Issue Type of Project.Methods, Environment.Legal or Environment.Regulatory. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Process column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Documents ProjectDocuments Number of items in the Project Documents library. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Documents library. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Goals ProjectGoals Number of items in the Project Goals List. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Goals list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Issues ProjectIssues Number of items in the Project Issues list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Issues list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Metrics ProjectMetrics Number of items in the Project Metrics list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Metrics list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Risks ProjectRisks Number of items in the Project Risks List. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Risks list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Status Report Overdue ProjStatusRptOverdue Number of Project Status Reports run in the past 7 days. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Status Reports list that have been created or modified in the past 7 days. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Status Reports ProjectStatusReports Number of items in the Project Status Reports List. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Status Reports list. No Calculated Number Metric
Project Tasks ProjectTasks Number of tasks in the Project Tasks list. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items in the Project Tasks list. No Calculated Number Metric

Quality Ind. Status

Quality Number of Open Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Open Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Quality column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Duration EstDurationAtCompletion Remaining Duration, also called Estimated Duration to Complete, is the total duration remaining for the project. This Calculated Number Metric returns the maximum Remaining Duration from all the items in the Project Tasks list. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Duration column of the All Project Summaries report.

Risk Ind. Status

Risk Project Risk Exposure. Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Exposure values for active items in the Project Risks list. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Risk column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Scope Ind. Status

Scope Number of Project Mission and Goal related issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with an Issue Type of Project.Mission and Goals. If active, this Metric is used in the Scope column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Start Date ActualStartDate Actual Start Date for the project. This Calculated Date Metric returns the minimum Start Date from the Project Task list. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Status Report Last Run StatusReportLastRun Created date of the current Project Status Report. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Created date from all the items in the Project Status Reports list's Current Report view. No Calculated Date Metric
Team Satisfaction

Team Sat. Ind. Status

TeamSatisfaction Number of Morale related issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of open items in the Project Issues list with an Issue Type of People.Morale. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Team Satisfaction column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric

Time Ind. Status

Time Current Finish Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Finish Date from all the items returned by the All Work report. The value returned is compared to the Customer Required Date metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Time and Current Finish Date columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Unassigned Items UnassignedItems Number of Unassigned items. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Unassigned Work report. No Calculated Number Metric
Work Last Modified Date WorkLastModifiedDate Work Last Modified Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Modified date from all the items returned by the All Work report. If active, this Metric is used in the Last Modified Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric

Project Office

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
Actual Cost ActualCost Actual Cost (AC) of Work Performed (ACWP). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Actual Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Actual Start Date ActualStartDate Actual Start Date of the project. This Calculated Date Metric returns the earliest Actual Start date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric

Cost Ind. Status

Cost Estimated Cost at Completion also called Estimate at Completion (EAC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Cost metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Cost and Current Cost columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Cost EstCostToComplete Remaining Cost also called Estimate to Complete (ETC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Remaining Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Health Ind. Status

Health Overall Project Office Health. This Calculated Number Metric uses the sum of the Indicator Status Codes in the Project Metrics list for Active metrics to determine an overall Health. Metrics showing Warning icons have a value of 1 and metrics showing Danger icons have a value of 2. The more Warning or Danger values the higher the value returned. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Health column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Late Issues

Issues Ind. Status

Issues Number of Issues with a Red Status Indicator. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Red Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Issues column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Cost PlannedCost Planned Cost also called Baseline Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Finish Date PlannedFinishDate Planned Finish Date for the project, also called Baseline Finish date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Planned Finish date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Planned Start Date PlannedStartDate Planned Start Date for the project, also called Baseline Start date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the earliest Planned Start date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric

Quality Ind. Status

Quality Number of Open Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Open Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Quality column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Time Ind. Status

Time Current Finish Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Finish Date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Finish Date metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Time and Current Finish Date columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric

Project Request Manager

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
Draft Draft Number of Project Requests with a 'Draft' status.This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of Project Requests with a Status of 0. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Review Review Number of Project Requests with a 'Review' status. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of Project Requests with a Status of 1. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Pending Decision PendingDecision Number of Project Requests with a 'Pending Decision' status. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of Project Requests with a Status of 2. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Approved Approved Number of Project Requests with an 'Approved' status. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of Project Requests with a Status of 8. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Rejected Rejected Number of Project Requests with a 'Rejected' status. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of Project Requests with a Status of 9. Yes Calculated Number Metric

Projects and Work Tracker

Title Metric ID Description Active Content Type
Cost Cost Estimated Cost at Completion also called Estimate at Completion (EAC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Cost metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Cost and Current Cost columns of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Cost PlannedCost Planned Cost also called Baseline Cost. This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Planned Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Actual Cost ActualCost Actual Cost (AC) of Work Performed (ACWP). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Actual Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Remaining Cost EstCostToComplete Remaining Cost also called Estimate to Complete (ETC). This Calculated Number Metric returns the sum of Remaining Cost values from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Remaining Cost column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Number Metric
Planned Start Date PlannedStartDate Planned Start Date for the project, also called Baseline Start date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the earliest Planned Start date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Planned Finish Date PlannedFinishDate Planned Finish Date for the project, also called Baseline Finish date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Planned Finish date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Planned Finish Date column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Time Time Current Finish Date. This Calculated Date Metric returns the latest Finish Date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. The value returned is compared to the Planned Finish Date metric to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in Time and Current Finish Date columns of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Date Metric
Actual Start Date ActualStartDate Actual Start Date of the project. This Calculated Date Metric returns the earliest Actual Start date from all the items returned by the All Project Summaries report. If active, this Metric is used in the Actual Start Date column of the All Project Summaries report. No Calculated Date Metric
Quality Quality Number of Open Issues. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Open Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Quality column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Late Issues Issues Number of Issues with a Red Status Indicator. This Calculated Number Metric returns the number of items returned by the Template Issues - Red Issues report. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Issues column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric
Health Health Overall Project Health. This Calculated Number Metric returns the Health value from the Project Statement. The value returned is compared to a fixed number to determine the indicator icon. If active, this Metric is used in the Health column of the All Project Summaries report. Yes Calculated Number Metric

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