A manual number metric is a metric that you update yourself. The data for the metric may come from outside the project.

Example: Budget. Budget is generally a fixed number. This metric is included in the Project Structured template.

See Supplied Metrics for more metric examples.

To create a manual number metric:

  1. Navigate to the Metrics list and click new item, then click Manual Number Metric.
  2. Give the metric a Title and a Description.
  3. If necessary, specify a new Metric ID.

    The system will automatically generate a Metric ID for the metric using the title, but you may update to one that makes more sense to you.

    If the Metric ID already exists in the list, you will see a message saying that 'the Metric ID is not available' when you attempt to save it or click the Check button. This means you will have to edit so that it is unique.

  4. If necessary, unselect the Activate Metric check box to make the Metric inactive.

    Making the Metric inactive does the following:

  5. Select a Category for the metric.

    The available options include:

    • Cost
    • Date
    • Duration
    • Project
    • Quality
    • Resource
    • Scope
    • Variance
    • Work
  6. Enter the current Metric Value.
  7. Optional: If you want the Metric to be applied to a past date, enter a date in the Apply Metric Value section. If you leave this value blank, then today's date will be used. Example: you need to enter total sales for October but it is now November. You can use the Apply Metric Value option to apply the metric to a date in October.
  8. Select the Metric Value Format.
    • Number
      Also, specify the Number of Decimals
    • Percentage
      Also, specify the Number of Decimals
    • Currency
      Also, specify the Number of Decimals and select the Currency
    • Custom
      Enter the Custom Number String
  9. Select the Metric Indicator Settings.


    1. Whether or not to show an indicator for the metric.
    2. Specify whether lower values or higher values are better.
    3. Specify the value to compare the metric to:
      • Enter a fixed value
      • Select a numeric metric value in another metric item.
    4. Specify the Threshold settings:
      • Select Compare range is fixed to use numbers, and enter a Warning Level and a Danger Level
      • Select Compare range is tolerance to use percentages, and enter a Warning Level and a Danger Level
    5. If desired, specify custom icon paths.
  10. Click Update.

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