The Number Indicator Icon column allows you to map an image file (i.e. an icon) to a range of values in a number column in a BrightWork list. For example, you could use it to let you know when the project is over or under budget. You can display the icon on the list item, in views and in BrightWork reports.

You can use existing SharePoint or BrightWork icons, to map the images to values, or you can use your own images.

You have a choice of 3 indicator display mappings:

  • When the source field value is greater than the following value
  • When the source field value is less than the following value
  • When the source field value is between the upper and lower limits specified

To add a Number Indicator Icon column:

  1. Navigate to the list in question.
  2. Click List | Create Column.

  3. Give the column a name and select Number Indicator Icon.
  4. Select the Number column that you want to use. This option is available only when initially adding the Number icon column. You cannot edit it later.
  5. Select the display options.
  6. Enter a server relative URL for the image that maps to the range of values.
  7. Click OK.

Using Your Own Images

If using your own images, we recommend adding the image files to the default images folder on the SharePoint server (located at Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\TEMPLATE\IMAGES). This is the location where all SharePoint and BrightWork icons and images are stored. The server relative URL for this folder is /_layouts/15/images/. Therefore, if you added an image called good.gif to this folder, the URL to use would be '/_layouts/15/images/good.gif'.

If you do not have access to the server, you can add the images to a SharePoint library and use the server relative URL, e.g. '/sites/mysite/Icons/good.gif'. All users using the list must have access to this library.

Use of the Choice or Number Indicator Icon columns in non-BrightWork site collections is supported but is subject to license. Please contact your local BrightWork or SharePoint support contact if you are unsure of your BrightWork license status.

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