• Values
    Enter the filter values into the text box. Ensure that each value is on a separate line.
  • Library File
    Enter a server-relative URL to the XML file
    For example, /sites/mysite/library/values.xml

    The advantage of this option is that multiple reports can all refer to a common list of values maintained in one place.

    All report users should have at least Read access to this document library.

  • Site List
    Enter a List Name and a Column Name.
    This option allows you to use a choice column in a list in the same web the report is located in to store the filter values.
  • Server List
    Enter a server-relative URL to the List and a Column Name
    For example, /sites/mysite/Lists/Project Tasks
    This option allows you to use a choice column in a list in on the server to store the filter values.
  • Server File
    Enter a URL to the XML file
    For example, /_layouts/15/brightwork/custom/Choice.xml - if the XML file was placed in a folder on the server at <Drive>:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\BrightWork\custom).
    This option allows you to use an XML file stored in a virtual directory on the server to store the filter values.

XML File

The XML file option allows you use an XML file stored in a document library on the server to store the filter values. The XML file is identified by a server-relative URL.

The source file is a simple XML file and can only specify one set of choice values. See below for an example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Value>Not Started</Value>
<Value>In Progress</Value>
<Value>Waiting on someone else</Value>

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