Ranking project requests is a way to prioritize Project Requests. By default only requests with the status of Pending Decision are included, but additional states can be added from the Configure Process page. If your project requests do not need to be ranked in order you can skip straight to the Approve or Reject state.

The default columns in the ranking page are Rank, Reference, Title, and Status but you can add more from the Configure Process page.

To rank a request:

  1. Click the Rank Requests tile on the site home page, or click the Project Requests link on the Quick Launch and click Items | Rank Requests.
  2. Drag and drop the requests into the order you want, or use the New Rank drop-down.
  3. When you have finished ranking your requests, click OK.

You can use the ribbon actions in the project request item view to Send back to Requestor, Send back to Reviewer, Approve or Reject.

What's Next?

The next stage in the Project Request process is to approve or reject a project request.

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