The Process Guidance Help Link column type allows you to create a library of easily referenced Process Guidance e.g. pages in a wiki. When you create a new list item, all you need to do is add the filename of the page being referenced (e.g. page1.aspx).

Use of the Process Guidance Help Link column in non-BrightWork site collections is supported but is subject to license. Please contact your local BrightWork or SharePoint support contact if you are unsure of your BrightWork license status.

To add and setup the Process Guidance Help Link column:

  1. Click Settings | Create Column on the toolbar of the list you want to add the column to.
  2. Give the column an appropriate name (e.g. Guidance).
  3. Select Process Guidance Help Link.
  4. Specify the location of the process guidance library.

    If the location was a wiki or a document library on the same server, you would only have to provide a server-relative URL, e.g. /sites/mysite/Projects/ProjectA/wiki/Wiki%20Pages/.

    You should ensure that all the relevant users have access to this location.

  5. Specify the Process Guidance Help Label - this is the text users will click on to view or download the guidance (e.g. Click for Guidance).
  6. Specify the Window target. The options include:
    • Leave it blank
      This will open the guidance in the same window
    • _blank
      This will open every guidance item in a new window
    • _someName
      This will open all the guidance items in the same new window (_someName is simply provided as an example - you can use whatever you want).
  7. Click OK.

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