
By default, the outgoing email From address in BrightWork is specified either by the user (in the case of BrightWork Reporter scheduled emails), or by the Outgoing E-Mail From address configured in SharePoint Central Administration (in the case of Project Requests). However, a site collection setting can be configured to override the Outgoing E-Mail From address with a specified email address for BrightWork Reporter emails, BrightWork Reporter scheduled emails, and Project Requests.

Steps for Setting the Outgoing Email From Address Override

Option 1: Using BrightWork Settings

  1. At the root of your site collection click Settings | Site settings.
  2. In the BrightWork Settings section, click BrightWork Settings.
  3. In the Outgoing E-Mail From address section, in the From address field enter the value of the desired From email address.
  4. Click OK.

Option 2: Using a SharePoint Management Shell cmdlet

  1. On the SharePoint server right-click on the SharePoint Management Shell and select Run as Administrator.
  2. Enter a command using the following format to set the From email address override value for the site collection: Set-BWFromEmailOverride <Target Site Collection> -FromEmailAddress "<From Email Address>"
  3. For example: Set-BWFromEmailOverride https://myserver/sites/mysitecollection -FromEmailAddress "[email protected]"

  4. To see if there is an existing From email address override value for a site collection: Get-BWFromEmailOverride <Target Site Collection>
  5. For example: Get-BWFromEmailOverride https://myserver/sites/mysitecollection

  6. To clear the From email address override value for a site collection: Set-BWFromEmailOverride <Target Site Collection> -FromEmailAddress ""

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