A project area is where BrightWork project sites are created and managed. You can have multiple project areas in a BrightWork site.

To create a Project Area:

  1. Login to the BrightWork Site home page and click Settings | Create Project Area to open the New Project Area form.

  2. Fill out the New Project Area form. The fields on the form include:

    • Title and Description
      Type a title and description for the new project area. The title will be displayed on every page in the project area.

    • URL Name
      Type the element of the URL that you would like to assign to the project area, for example:

    • Permissions

      • Use same permissions as parent site
        To give all users who have access to the site access to the project area

      • Use unique permissions
        To give only the project area creator access to the project area and opt to add other users manually

    • Navigation

      • Select Yes to include the project area in the site Quick Launch and Top Link bar.

      • Select No to not include the project area in the site Quick Launch and Top Link bar.

    • Navigation Inheritance

      • Select Yes to have the project area inherit its top link bar from the site.

      • Select No to have the project area have its own set of links on the top link bar and to exclude the parent site from the Breadcrumbs navigation (this means the Breadcrumbs navigation starts at the project area).

  3. Click Create.

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