
If you are a user of Nintex Forms and you delete a form from a list you may get the following error:

Sorry, something went wrong
File Not Found.
Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator.


When Nintex Forms are deleted from some lists, the list's content type is left in a state where it is still looking for the deleted Nintex Form.


To fix this SharePoint Administrators can run a Cmdlet from the SharePoint Management Shell on the server:

  1. Click Start, right-click on SharePoint Management Shell and click Run as administrator.
  2. Run this command, replacing the URL and List Name with those of the broken list.
    Set-BWRepairAfterNintexFormDelete "https://myserver/sites/mysitecollection/projects/myproject" "List Name"
  3. Select 'Y' to confirm.

The format of the cmdlet is:

Command Set-BWRepairAfterNintexFormDelete
Parameters "URL" for the site to be repaired.
TIP: put inside quotes to avoid issues with spaces.
"List Name" of the list with the forms to be repaired.
TIP: put inside quotes to avoid issues with spaces.
Show repairs to be applied, but will NOT save the changes.
Repairs any forms without a request to confirm the changes.

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