The Metric History Chart web part displays the version history of up to ten number metric items from the Metrics list in a configurable chart.

The Metric History Chart does not support Date Metrics. See the Metric Scorecard for a web part that supports both.

Click here to learn how to add a web part to a BrightWork web part page.

Configure the Metric History Chart

To configure the Metric History Chart web part:

  1. Click the menu on the chart.
  2. Click Configure Chart.

Web Part Settings


Enter a title for the report.

Chrome Type

Select a chrome type for the report:

  • Default
  • Border Only
  • None
  • Title and Border
  • Title Only

Chart Type

Select a chart type:

  • Bar
  • Column
  • Line
  • Spline
  • Step Line

Chart Appearance

  • Chart Theme
    By default, charts use the local SharePoint theme to designate a color scheme for the Y-Axis columns; however, you can over-ride this and select a custom theme for the chart.

    Chart Theme

    Y-Axis Settings

    Col 1

    Col 2

    Col 3

    Col 4

    Col 5

    Col 6

    Col 7

    Col 8

    Col 9

    Col 10

    Blue Scale
    Bright 1
    Bright 2
    Grey Scale
    Traffic Light
  • Custom theme selection does not over-ride custom color settings applied in the Chart Data Binding section.

  • Chart Width
    Specify a width for the chart.

  • Chart Height
    Specify a height for the chart.

  • Show chart border
    Select this option to show the chart border.

  • Chart Display
    There are three options:

    1. Show as standard
    2. Show as polar
    3. Show in 3D
  • X-Axis Options
    Select this option to format for readability. When a chart has lots of data, the format for readability option enables clearer content as shown in the image below.

Chart Data Binding

Select the columns to supply the data to render.

X-Axis Settings

  • Interval
    Select the time units to use as data points:

    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Quarters
    • Years
  • Show
    Select whether to show All Data or select Last and specify the number of Intervals to show in the past.

    Selecting All Data and a frequent interval like Days could make the chart unreadable.

  • Interval Value Formula
    Select the grouping formula:

    • Minimum
    • Maximum
    • First
    • Last
  • Fill in missing data points
    Select this if you want the chart to fill in any missing data points.

    To understand this setting, examine the two images below. Both of these charts are configured exactly the same, except for the 'Fill in missing data points' setting.

    When 'Fill in missing data points' is enabled, it creates a data point for every interval, even if the data has not changed. When 'Fill in missing data points' is not enabled, gaps will appear where there is no data.

Y-Axis Settings

You can plot up to ten metrics on the one chart. For each metric you can show the Metric Value and the Target Value. You can also enter a legend and select a color for the value being charted.

  • Select the Metric ID

  • Select Show Metric Value and/or Show Target Value and enter a legend and select a color

Entering the Legend and selecting the color are optional.

If you do not enter a Legend, the Metric ID will be displayed.

If you do not select a color, the selected chart theme will be used to assign colors.

Chart Title and Legend

Chart Title

  • Show Chart Title
    Select to enable the display of a chart title

  • Title
    Enter a title for the chart

  • Location
    Select the preferred location for the chart title

  • Alignment
    Select the preferred alignment of the chart title

Chart Legend

  • Show Chart Legend
    Select to display a legend that illustrates the selected Y-Axis columns

  • Location
    Select the preferred location for the chart legend

  • Alignment
    Select the preferred alignment of the chart legend

Chart Data Display Settings

Chart Data Labels:

  • Show data labels
    Unselect this if you do not want to include data labels in chart data results

SharePoint Options

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