How do I find and update my work?

  1. Click the My Work Reports link on the left hand Quick Launch.
  2. Click the title of a task and make any changes you want.
  3. Click Save when you're done.

You should bookmark this page so you can go back to it regularly. While you're there, look through the tabs to see what work is due soon or overdue. Also, there's a handy Gantt chart that puts all your tasks in a timeline.

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How can I personalize a report?

  1. Click in the report to open the Reporter tab at the top left of the window.

  2. Click the Reporter tab to open up the Reporter ribbon.
  3. Use the options in the Personalize this Report section to customize the report how you want it.

If you want to reset your mode to the default Shared mode, just click the options you changed in the ribbon and click Reset.

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How can I e-mail a report?

  1. Click anywhere in the report to open the reporter tab at the top left of the window.
  2. Click the Reporter tab to open up the Reporter ribbon.
  3. Click the Email button.
  4. Fill in the email details as you want.
  5. Click Send.

The same section that let you email a report also lets you print, or export the report to Excel.

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How can I upload and edit a document?

  1. Click the document library link on the left hand Quick Launch. The default document library in a BrightWork template is called Documents, but yours may be something different.
  2. You have two options for uploading a file:
    1. You can click new document and browse for your file.
    2. Or, you can just drag and drop a file from your desktop.
  3. You can then click the next to the document and click Edit to edit the document. When you save the document, it will automatically save to the server.

If you have versioning and check-out enabled in your document library, you can keep track of older versions and who can edit the document.

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How do I interact with charts?

There are a number of ways to interact with charts as follows:

  1. With this menu you are able to configure the chart, and to print and download the image. Please note this is browser dependent. For Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer browsers to download an image, right-click and click Save picture as.
  2. Zoom and pan: you are able to zoom in on certain areas of charts and pan across charts.
    • You can zoom by clicking the left mouse button and dragging the mouse across the section that you want to zoom into.
    • Once you have zoomed, you can pan across a chart by clicking the Shift button and using the left mouse button to pan left or right.
  3. Legend toggle: when viewing a chart, you are able to toggle the legend values on or off. This can be done by selecting the series name in the legend. Tip: after selecting or deselecting a legend value, you should allow some time for a 3-D chart to redraw itself, as white spaces may appear while the chart loads.

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