The BrightWork Template Design Sync enables you to make design changes in a template and pull those changes into the sites that are bound to the template.

Some items are automatically synced and some are optional. Due to certain SharePoint design restrictions, and other practical reasons, not all changes to the template are synced.

The items below are grouped accordingly, for a more functional break down of these items, as they are laid out on the Sync Design page, please see the Sync Site with Template topic.

Automatically Synced

The following items are automatically synced:
  • Site features
  • Site columns
  • Site content types
  • Site custom actions
  • Site regional settings
  • Site Logo URL and Description
  • Additional lists and libraries
  • List and library settings
  • List and library custom actions
  • List and library content types
  • List and library columns
  • List and library view changes
  • Tree view settings
  • Custom ProjectCacheSettings.xml files
  • Custom WorkCacheSettings.xml files
  • Nintex Forms customizations

Optionally Synced

In addition to the items above that are automatically synced, you also have the option to sync certain other items and to remove unmatched design features.

Unmatched design features are features in the site that are not in the template. This can happen for two reasons:

  • The feature was removed from the template
  • The feature was added to the site

Optional Changes you can pull in include:

  • Quick Launch
  • Report - Tabs List
  • Site Theme
  • Master Page Application
  • Home Page
  • BrightWork Pages
  • New or unmatched content in Site Assets libraries
  • Site Pages
  • Project Metrics list
  • Project Status Report Column Mapping
  • SharePoint 2010 and Nintex list workflows

Unmatched features are features or items in the site that are not in the template. This can happen for two reasons:

  • The feature was removed from the template
  • The feature was added to the site

Unmatched features you can remove include:

  • Site Columns
  • Site Content Types
  • Lists and libraries
  • List and library content types
  • List and library columns
  • List and library views
  • List and library forms
  • BrightWork Pages
  • Unmatched content in Site Assets libraries
  • Site Pages
  • SharePoint 2010 and Nintex list workflows

Not Synced

The following items are currently excluded from the design sync.
  • Links under the Recent heading on the Quick Launch
  • Common content in Site Assets Libraries
  • Any library marked as a catalog (like the web part library)
  • Content in lists and libraries, including Email Scheduler and Wiki libraries
  • Email Notification settings
  • Hold and eDiscovery feature settings
  • List and libraries that are hidden from the browser (via SharePoint Designer) or hidden by design (e.g. Hold and eDiscovery)
  • List alerts
  • Master Page Library settings and views
  • Metadata navigation settings
  • No Code Workflow library settings
  • BrightWork Reporter Personal Reports
  • Personal Views
  • Metric recalculation order settings
  • Security Settings
  • Site Title and Description
  • Project Request URL
  • Project Status Reports column mappings
  • Task schedule settings
  • SharePoint 2013 workflows
  • Site and reusable SharePoint 2010 and Nintex workflows

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