This page details the reports supplied with BrightWork. These are the reports that are available for selection from the BrightWork Server Gallery menu on the Reporter Settings page.

These reports are driven by an XML file, known as a Reporter Definition, that is stored on the server. To do things like report on columns you have added to your lists, you should create a copy of the relevant Reporter Definition in the BrightWork Reporter Library and use the Report Editor to make your changes. and then use that Reporter Definition in the BrightWork Reporter web part.

Some of the Supplied Reports include a List of Lists filter that allow you to define the lists that the report queries. This list of lists must be added and managed on a site by site basis. See the relevant report description for the name that the list of lists should have.




Most Used Reports

All Project Summaries

This report displays information from both the Project Statement and Projects Tracker lists.


All Risks

This report displays all risk items from the BrightWork Risks list, sorted by Exposure, Rank, Priority and Status Indicator.


All Work

This report displays all work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Closed Work

This report displays closed work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Current Project Status Report

This report displays the current project status report. The lists queried by this report must be included in the Report - Project Status Reports Lists list, if this list exists.


Status Reports Between Dates

This report displays project status reports between the dates selected. The lists queried by this report must be included in the ‘Report - Project Status Reports Lists’ list, if this list exists.


My Overdue Work

This report displays open work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user, and with a Due Date of earlier than today. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


My Open Work

This report displays open work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user. This report also allows you to filter by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


My Work Due Soon

This report displays open work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user, due within the next seven days. This report also allows you to filter by another user and Due Date. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Open Issues

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Open Work

This report displays open work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Overdue Work

This report displays open work items with a Due Date of earlier than today. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Unassigned Work

This report displays unassigned open work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Work Due Soon

This report displays open work items with a Due Date within the next seven days. This report also allows filtering by another Due Date. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


All Other Reports

All Contacts

This report displays all items from the Contacts list.


All Custom Items

This report displays all items from the Generic List, the Custom Grid List and the BrightWork Custom List.


All Documents

This report displays all documents stored in Document Libraries and Project Deliverable Libraries.


All Events

This report displays all items from the Events list.


All Issues

This report displays all items from the BrightWork Project Issues list and the SharePoint Issue Tracking list.


All Links

This report displays all items from the Links list.


All Metrics

This report displays all metrics from the BrightWork Project Metrics list.


All Pictures

This report displays all items added to Picture Libraries.


All Requests

This report displays all requests from the BrightWork Project Requests list.


All Tasks

This report displays all items from the BrightWork Project Tasks list, and all items from the SharePoint Project Tasks and Tasks lists.



This report displays Announcements with either no expiry date, or an expiry date of today or later.


Documents Assigned To Me

This report displays all BrightWork deliverables and documents that the logged in user has been assigned or has edited. This report also allows filtering by another user.


Documents Owned By Me

This report displays all BrightWork deliverables and documents that the logged in user is the author of or owns. This report also allows filtering by another user.


Metrics - Active

This report displays active metrics from the BrightWork Project Metrics list.


Metrics - Active and Show Indicators

This report displays active metrics that are also showing an indicator icon from the BrightWork Project Metrics list.


My Documents

This report displays all BrightWork deliverables and documents assigned to or owned by the logged in user, or where the user is the editor or the author. This report also allows filtering by another user.


My Tasks

This report displays items assigned to or owned by the logged in user from the BrightWork Project Tasks list. This report also displays items assigned to the logged in user created in the SharePoint Project Tasks and Tasks lists. This report also allows filtering by another user.


Open Work Due Soon Assigned To Me

This report displays open work items, assigned to the logged in user, and due within the next seven days. This report also allows filtering by another Assigned To and Due Date.


Open Work Due Soon Owned By Me

This report displays open work items, owned by the logged in user, and due within the next seven days. This report also allows filtering by another Owner and Due Date.


Overdue Work Assigned To Me

This report displays open work items, assigned to the logged in user, with a 'Due Date' of earlier than today. This report also allows filtering by another Assigned To.


Overdue Work Owned By Me

This report displays open work items, owned by the logged in user, with a Due Date of earlier than today. This report also allows filtering by another Owner.


SharePoint (Tasks)

This report displays list items from the SharePoint Tasks and SharePoint Project Tasks lists. This report allows filtering by the TaskStatus.


Tasks Assigned To Me

This report displays items from the BrightWork Project Tasks list, SharePoint Tasks and SharePoint Project Tasks lists, that are assigned to the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another Assigned To.


Tasks Owned By Me

This report displays items from the BrightWork Project Task list that are owned by the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another Owner.


Work Assigned To Me

This report displays open work items assigned to the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another Assigned To.


Work Owned By Me

This report displays open work items owned by the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another Owner.


Open Goals

This report displays any open items from the BrightWork Project Goals list.


Template Issues - All

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Closed

This report displays closed items from the Project Issues list or any closed item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Due Soon

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled, with a Due Date of earlier than today. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


My Issues

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled, assigned to or owned by the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Locate By Reference

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled, with a Reference matching exactly to a user-inputted value. The Projects Tracker items can be searched by Project ID (title). The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - My Issues (Gantt)

This report displays all items assigned to or owned by the logged in user. It reports on items in the BrightWork Project Issues list and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.


Template Issues - My Issues Due Soon

This report displays all items with a 'Due Date' of earlier than today, assigned to or owned by the logged in user. It reports on items in the BrightWork Project Issues list and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. This report also allows filtering by another user and 'Due Date'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.


Template Issues - My Overdue Issues

This report displays all items assigned to or owned by the logged in user, with aDue Date of earlier than today. It reports on items in the BrightWork Project Issues list and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Overdue Issues

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had itsIssue Indicator enabled, with a Due Date of earlier than today. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Red Issues

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled, with a Status Indicator of late or, in the case of Project Tracker items, a 'Health Indicator' of Danger. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Top 5 Open Issues

This report displays the top five items from the Project Issues list or from another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. This report is ordered by Status, Priority and Due Date. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Unassigned

This report displays any unassigned items from the Project Issues list and any unassigned item from another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Issues - Yellow Issues

This report displays items from the Project Issues list or any item in another BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled, with aStatus Indicator of in danger or, in the case of Project Tracker items, a 'Health Indicator' of Warning. The lists queried by this report can be defined by a List of Lists called Report - Issue Lists, if this list exists.


Template Project - Project Gantt Between Dates

This report displays work items with a Due Date of between today and [today + twenty-one days]. This report also allows you to filter by another Due Date. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Project - Project Phase Rollup

Displays all Project Deliverables and Project Task items grouped by Project Phase.


Template Project Status Reports - Between Dates

This report displays project status reports between the dates selected. The lists queried by this report must be included in the Report - Project Status Reports Lists list.


Project Statements

This report displays information from Project Statement lists only.


Template Projects - Projects ID & Tasks

This report displays all Tasks from BrightWork Project Task lists. These are concatenated with the Project Statement ID plus other project level fields.


Template Projects Tracker - All Issues

This report displays list items that have had their Issue Indicator enabled.


Template Resourcing - Resource Allocation By Assignee (Gantt)

This report displays open work items assigned to the logged in user, and with a Start Date of today or greater. This report also allows filtering by another user or Start Date. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Resourcing - Resource Allocation By Owner Role (Gantt)

This report displays open work assigned to the selected Owner Role, and with a Start Date of today or greater. This report also allows filtering by another Start Date. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Resourcing - Resource Allocation Items

This report displays all work items excluding Project Phases and Project Milestones.


Top 5 Open Risks

This report displays the top five open items from the BrightWork Risks list, sorted by Exposure, Rank, Priority and Status Indicator.


Top 5 Open Tasks

This report displays the top five open items from the BrightWork Tasks list, sorted by Priority, Status Indicator and Due Date.


Template Work - Closed Recently

This report displays work items closed on or after the date selected. The date selected is compared to finish date or due date depending on the type of list. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Work - My Assigned Work

This report displays open work items assigned to the logged in user. This report also allows you to filter by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Work - My Work Only

This report displays open work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


Template Work - Work Modified By Me

This report displays work items modified by the logged in user, and with a modified date in the last seven days. The lists queried by this report are defined by the Report - Work Lists list, if this list exists.


All Scheduled Emails Report

This report displays information on the scheduled report email items.


Template Agile - All Bugs & Issues

This report displays any item in the BrightWork Project Issues list (including the Bugs list) and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Closed Bugs & Issues

This report displays any closed item in the BrightWork Project Issues list (including the Bugs list), and/or any closed item in a BrightWork list that has had its Issue Indicator enabled. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Exit Criteria

This report displays uncompleted items with an 'Exit Criteria' of 'Yes'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Iterations

This report displays all Project Iterations.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - My Bugs & Issues

This report displays any item in the BrightWork Project Issues list, and/or any item in a BrightWork list (including the Bugs list) that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled, that is assigned to or owned by the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - My Overdue Work

This report displays all work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user with a 'Due Date' of earlier than today. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - My Work

This report displays all work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user. This report also allows filtering by another user. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - My Work Due Soon

This report displays all work items owned by or assigned to the logged in user due within the next seven days. This report also allows filtering by another user and 'Due Date'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Open Bugs & Issues

This report displays all items in the BrightWork Project Issues list (including the Bugs list), and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Open Work

This report displays all work items.The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Overdue Bugs & Issues

This report displays all items with a 'Due Date' of earlier than today. It reports on items in the BrightWork Project Issues list (including the Bugs list) and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. This report also allows filtering by another 'Due Date'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Overdue Work

This report displays all work items with a 'Due Date' of earlier than today. This report also allows filtering by another 'Due Date'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Red Bugs & Issues

This report displays all items in the BrightWork Project Issues (including the Bugs list) list and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled, with a 'Status Indicator' of late. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Resourcing Export

This report displays all work items with all the important columns. This report is designed for export to Excel.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Top 5 Bugs & Issues

This report displays the top five items (ordered by 'Status', 'Priority' and 'Due Date'). It reports on items in the BrightWork Project Issues list (including the Bugs list) and any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Issue Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Top 5 Risks

This report displays the top five items (ordered by 'Exposure', 'Ordinal', 'Priority' and 'Status Indicator') in the BrightWork Risks list.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Top 5 Tasks

This report displays the top 5 items (ordered by Priority, Status Indicator and Due Date) in the BrightWork Project Tasks and SharePoint Project Tasks lists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Unassigned Work

This report displays all unassigned work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Work

This report displays all open and closed work items. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Work Due Soon

This report displays all work items with a 'Due Date' of within the next seven days. This report also allows filtering by another 'Due Date'. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Yellow Bugs & Issues

This report displays all items, in the BrightWork Project Issues (including the Bugs list) list and/or any item in a BrightWork list that has had its 'Issue Indicator' enabled, with a 'Status Indicator' of in danger. The lists queried by this report are defined by the 'Report - Work Lists' list, if this list exists.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


Template Agile - Work Modified by Me

Displays all work items modified by the logged in user, and with a modified date in the last seven days. Also includes the ability to select another user and Modified Since date.

Note: This report will become deprecated in a future version of BrightWork.


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