These reports allow you to report on the amount of work required and/or assigned, spread evenly across the period of time allowed for the work to be completed. Resource Usage reports display how much work has been assigned and allocated in a configurable calendar-like view. The report shows the hours allocated to a particular item and to the grouping(s) (e.g. Assigned To, Role, List Name, Project etc) selected on the reporter settings page.

Resource usage reports can also highlight when work is over-allocated (items are highlighted in yellow, as shown below).

To calculate this data the report uses:

  • Start date, end date and amount of hours allocated to each work item

  • Project Calendar
    The project calendar is used to define exception days. The BrightWork Settings Page allows you to select which Project Calendar to use (e.g. site level or root level). Resource Usage Reports always use the Project Calendar specified on the BrightWork Settings page.

    There are two types of exception days:

    • (1) Working Time

    • (2) Non-Working Time

    Example exception days include a working day that is a holiday (e.g. public holidays) or a non-working day that is actually working day (e.g. a weekend day).

  • Working hours per day
    Generally, the working hours per day is specified on the BrightWork Settings page; however, Resource Usage Reports allow you to specify a custom working hours per day variable.

  • Working Week
    The working week is defined in the site's regional settings.


Imagine a scenario with a work item, with 10 hours allocated to it, due to start on a Monday and finish on the subsequent Friday. The workplace is a normal Monday to Friday one. The user (resource) assigned this item would have 2 hours per day allocated to it and this would display in the report. Now the user is assigned a similar work item (i.e. 10 hours allocated to it, due to start on a Monday and finish on the subsequent Friday). This means the user would have 4 hours work assigned per day, and this would also display in the report.

If the 'Working Hours per Day' number was 4, then all would be well as the resource would not be over-allocated. However, now imagine that one of the days in the week is a holiday. The project manager marks this day as a non-working day in the project calendar. Now the resource has 5 hours work per day allocated and this would trigger the over-allocation alert.

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