Some settings can vary from project to project, like regional settings or whether the site can support sub-sites. The Project Settings page is a common page for these sorts of options.

You can access the project settings page either from the Project Ribbon, or by clicking Settings | Site settings and clicking Project Settings.

The Project Settings page is available in project sites, e.g. Project Lite, Project Standard, Project Structured and Project Office. It is not available in other templates like Project Request Manager and Projects and Work Tracker.

Configuration Options

Project Ribbon

Choose whether to enable or disable the Project Ribbon for this site.

Project Sub-Site Creation

Choose whether to allow sub-site creation under the current project. Disabling this is a good way of keeping your hierarchy locked down and avoiding potential mistakes when creating new projects.

Project Metric Recalculation

You can exclude the current site from metric recalculation. If you are running into performance issues when recalculating your metrics, excluding older, metric-heavy sites can help.

Active Calendar and Regional Settings

Each site can be individually customized for regional preferences.

Project Reporting

You can exclude the project statement for the current site from reporting. This is a useful way to stop specific projects from appearing in reports. You can use this to retire older projects from current reports as a way of archiving them.

Scheduled Report Email

You can enable or disable the scheduled report email feature and choose whether to allow users with "Contributor" access to schedule emails.

BrightWork Version

The currently installed version of BrightWork on this server.

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