In this scenario we will describe how to add a filter to a report that will enable users to filter the report from the report user interface.

Add Filter to Report

This adds the filter user interface to the report.

  1. Navigate to the BrightWork Reporter Library, select the report and click Files | Report Editor.
  2. Scroll down and click Add a new report filter.
  3. Specify a Filter Internal Name and a Caption for the filter (e.g. Country).
  4. Select Choice (menu to choose from).
  5. Select Values and enter the values you entered into the choice column on the list (e.g. France, Ireland and USA - remember to enter the values on separate lines).
  6. Click Create.

Update CAML

You must update the CAML in the list query templates that returns data from the lists you updated. As we have only added the Country column to the Project Issues list, this is the only list query template we will update.

  1. Scroll down to the List Query Templates section and click List Type beside Project Issues.

  2. Use the Context Settings section to select the site and list you added the column to. This will enable you to test the CAML.
  3. Update the CAML to filter against the column you added.

    <Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="CompletedFlag" /><Value Type="Boolean">0</Value></Eq></Where>


    <Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name="CompletedFlag" /><Value Type="Boolean">0</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name="Country" /><Value Type="Text">[Country]</Value></Eq></And></Where>

  4. Click Test CAML The below message should display if the CAML is correctly parsed.
    The specified CAML executed successfully against the selected list.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Click Close.
  7. Check in the report (if it is checked out).

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