Add Column to Project Status Report List
Add Column to Project Status Report Cache List
Map Column to Project Status Report Cache List
Map Column Using the XML Mapping File
Add Column to Cache Report

When configuring Project Status Report lists with additional columns you may want to include these columns in Project Status Report Cache reports. This topic explains the steps on how to do this.

Add Column to Project Status Report List

Before you begin it is assumed you have added a column to the Project Status Report list.

Add Column to Project Status Report Cache List

First you will need to add a column to the Project Status Report Cache list. This list is hidden to prevent accidental editing. The only time you typically need to access it is when you need to add columns or to add a view.

  1. Navigate to the site collection home page, paste 'bwPSRCache' after the site name and click Enter on your keyboard to open the hidden Project Status Report Cache list. For example the URL should be something like:


  2. Add a column to the Project Status Report Cache using the appropriate column type.

Use the same column type in the Project Status Report Cache list as the source list. For example, if the column is a Date and Time column in the source list, create a Date and Time column in the Project Status Report Cache list.

If you are adding a choice column to the Project Status Report Cache list, we recommend the default value is left blank.

We do not recommend adding Site Columns to the Project Status Report Cache list.

The name you use for the column added to the Project Status Report Cache list doesn't really matter as you will be mapping it in the next step; however, we recommend the same or a similar name to the source list column to make the mapping maintenance process easier. Also, we recommend not including a space in the name to avoid SharePoint encoding the space.

Map Column to Project Status Report Cache List

  1. Click Settings Settings cog | Site settings.
  2. Under BrightWork Settings click Map Columns to the Project Status Report Cache.

You can then add new column mappings or manage existing mappings as noted below.

Project Status Report Cache Mapping Screen Elements

  1. Status Reports Column: Displays the selected source list's column names with their column types. The page shows list columns that are:
    • Visible in the list's forms or views.
    • Mapped to the Project Status Report Cache.
    • Not in the BrightWork reserved column list.
  2. Project Status Report Cache Column: Displays the Project Status Report Cache column name that is being mapped to.
  3. Remove: Clicking on the Remove button will delete the specific mapping from the mapping file. This can be useful if you make a mistake and need to remove an incorrect mapping.
    Caution: Consider the impact on other sites in the site collection before you remove a mapping.

Add New Column Mapping

  1. Select a source list to map columns from using the drop-down.
  2. Click Add new column mapping.
  3. Select the list column you wish to map from in the Select Source Column drop-down list. If no options are available, it means that there is no source to map to the Project Status Report Cache.
  4. Select the column you wish to map in the Project Status Report Cache Column drop-down list. If no options are available, it means that there is no column in the Project Status Report Cache of the correct type available to map to.
  5. Click Save and your mapping will appear in the list of mappings.

Map Column Using the XML Mapping File

It is possible but not advisable to manually map items to the Project Status Report Cache by updating the PSRCacheGlobalSettings.xml file instead of using the above BrightWork Settings method.

The global PSRCacheGlobalSettings.xml mapping file maps columns from the supported lists to Project Status Report Cache columns.

  1. Open the top level site of your site collection in SharePoint Designer 2013. For example, the URL should be something like: https://myserver/sites/mysitecollection
  2. Click All Files | _catalogs | bwConfigStore | PSRCacheGlobalSettings.xml
  3. Click Edit File to open the file for editing.
  4. Add an XML tag to the appropriate list template, for example:

    <Field target="YourProjectStatusReportCacheColumn" source="YourListColumn" />

The Project Status Report Cache list supports the addition of calculated columns. You do not need to add these columns to the ProjectStatusReportCacheGlobalSettings.xml file.

The PSRCacheGlobalSettings.xml is for specifying global mappings in a BrightWork site collection. Every site also has its own PSRCacheSettings.xml file.

If the column you want to map has a different internal name in a certain site (for example, one project template uses a column called Organization and the rest use a column called Department), update the local PSRCacheSettings.xml with the appropriate mapping information and it will override the global setting specified in the top level PSRCacheGlobalSettings.xml file.

Changes to the PSRCacheSettings.xml file are automatically included in Design Sync. This means that changes to this file should be made in the Template and synced, if Design Sync is being used.

Add Column to Cache Report

Finally, add the column to the Shared or Personal report that uses the Cache.

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