Available in BrightWork Reporter, the Project Status Report Cache report data source is designed as an alternative to reports that report across multiple open project sites. The Project Status Report Cache provides faster cross-site reporting. Before you first use the Project Status Report Cache it must be enabled.

The Project Status Report Cache is maintained automatically and also by a nightly timer job, that you can also run manually:

  • BrightWork Project Status Report Cache Refresh Timer Job (Daily)
    This timer job does a full rebuild of the Project Status Report Cache. It will skip sites that are excluded from reports such as closed or archived sites.

The Project Status Report Cache contains the same columns as the Project Status Report columns available in the current out-of-the-box templates. If you have added columns to a Project Status Report list you will have to manually add and map these columns to the Project Status Report Cache to include them in reports that use the cache as a data source.

The Default Report and Views in the Project Status Report Cache

When you select the Project Status Report Cache in BrightWork Reporter a view is not used for the default report. A custom report is created showing only the most recent report from each project site. This is determined by:

  • Sorting by the latest 'For Period Ending' date
  • Then sorting by the latest 'Modified' date

One default view is available out-of-the-box to BrightWork Reporter. This view (Status Reports - Open Projects) shows all items in the cache as this cache only contains reports from open projects.

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