As well as being able to email reports on demand, you can also setup reports to email on a schedule (e.g. every Monday morning). You can even set reports with user filters (e.g. My Work) to email each user about their assigned items.

This is an example of a user filter. It allows you to select a specific user to see the items they are assigned.

Suggested uses for this include:

  • Sending all users a weekly email of their overdue work
  • Sending all users a weekly email of recently added items
  • Sending a single user a list of all overdue work
  • Send managers a weekly email of projects in trouble

Activate Scheduled Email Feature

  1. Settings | Site Settings.
  2. Click Manage site features.
  3. Click Activate beside BrightWork Scheduled Report Email.

The Scheduled Report Email Timer Job must be activated in Central Administration. If it is not activated, you will see a message when you try to create a scheduled report email.

Create a Scheduled Email

To create a Scheduled Report Email:

  1. Click in the header of the report and then the Reporter tab to make the Reporter ribbon appear.

  2. Click Advanced Share | Create Scheduled Email to access the New Scheduled Report Email page.

    Click View Scheduled Emails to see the scheduled email items associated with this instance of the BrightWork Reporter web part.

    It is a good idea to check this before creating a new email to prevent duplicate emails being sent out.

  3. Enter an Item Title for this scheduled email.
  4. Select the schedule frequency.
  5. Specify who the email should come from.

    The email address you enter is the email address that the email will appear to come from and recipients will be able to reply to it.

    Because of this, you should use caution with the email address you specify, for example:

    • Do not use the email address of another user without their consent or knowledge.
    • If you choose to use a nonexistent email address, give users a hint that they should not reply to it, for example, [email protected].
  6. Specify who will be the recipients of the email.

    You can only specify users with an existing valid account (e.g. Active Directory).

    If the report has a user filter, the default option All Relevant Users will already be selected. This means that all users returned by the report will receive a unique email with their assigned items.

    If you do not want this to happen, select Specify Users and specify the users that you want to receive a unique email with their items.

  7. Enter an email Subject and Body.

    The email Body is sent as plain text. You can change the Body column to Rich text via the Scheduled Report Email list setting page; however, you should be aware that, due to a SharePoint bug, absolute URLs from the same server will be converted to relative URLs and may not work for external users.

  8. If necessary, select a new URL Zone.

    The Scheduled Email will automatically select the URL Zone you are in; however, you may need to select a different URL Zone so all recipients can access the items linked to in the email.

    There are five possible URL Zones:

    • Default
    • Intranet
    • Internet
    • Extranet
    • Custom

    For example, imagine you create the Scheduled Email on the local domain, but are creating an email that will be received by users outside of the local domain, you should select Internet if it is available.

  9. Click Save.


Gantt and Chart reports are not emailable.

Users require Full Control permission in the site to create scheduled report emails. Users with Contributor access can schedule emails if the relevant option has been enabled in the Project Settings or BrightWork Settings for the project or project area.

The Email Scheduler is security smart - user emails will only include items from the sites and lists that users have been granted access to. What they will get in their email is what they would see if they logged onto the page with the report.

The Scheduled Report Email site feature must be activated on a site by site basis. If it is not activated, the Created Scheduled Email button will not be available in the Reporter ribbon.

All the scheduled report emails you add to a project site can be viewed and managed from the Scheduled Report Email list that is added when you activate the Scheduled Report Email site feature. To access the Scheduled Report Email list, click Site Contents | Scheduled Report Email.

Scheduled report emails can only be added to Project sites and cannot be added to the top site in BrightWork site collections, Template or Portfolio sites. The content of the Scheduled Report Email list is not included in BrightWork Site Copy.

All emails are sent on Server Time. If you are using a hosted solution, you should be aware of your servers local time when scheduling emails.

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