To assist BrightWork Support, it may be necessary to determine the BrightWork Version number.
The BrightWork Version number (e.g. 16.2.0190.0) uses an aa:b:cccc:d construction.
To determine the BrightWork version number:
The BrightWork Version number will be displayed at the top of the page.
Note 1:
With SharePoint 2019 the Microsoft Office version remained at '16'. Therefore the following convention was adopted for BrightWork versioning:
Note 2:
Since 15.7 the b part of the version number has been the same for BrightWork releases on SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016.
Since 15.11 this is true for releases on SharePoint 2019. It is true of SharePoint Subscription Edition from the start i.e. SE.26.1 also known as 24.26.1.