The default macro-enabled Microsoft Project mpp file that resides in the Site Assets library in the out-of-the-box Project Structured template comes with a very small project structure. This topic describes the various ways to populate the plan at the start of the project. After you have your plan ready, you should Create a Project Baseline.

The main ways to populate your Project plan include:

  • Create the plan from scratch in the Microsoft Project file included in the site assets library - see Syncing.
  • Add the plan to the Tasks list in the project site.
  • Use the plan already in the Microsoft Project file (for example, for repeat type projects such as a deployment or an upgrade) - see Syncing.
  • Copy and paste project data from another Microsoft Project file.
  • Delete the mpp file in the documents library and upload another BrightWork-enabled mpp file with a completed plan.

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