You can customize the e-mails sent by the Project Request Manager template. You will need some HTML/CSS experience.

To edit an e-mail:

  1. Click into your project request manager template.
  2. Click the drop-down under Page | Edit Page and click Edit in SharePoint Designer.
  3. Click All files in the left hand Site Objects menu.
  4. Click your site, then click _catalogs.
  5. Click bwConfigStore and click the title of the email you want to edit.
  6. Click Edit file.

Once you have made your changes, press Ctrl+S on your keyboard and click Yes to confirm that you are changing from the site definition templates.

Project Request Manager Email Variables

The below table lists the variables available in the email templates. Not all variables will be available in every email. We recommend using the variables that already exist in the template you are editing.

Variable Value
Role-Reviewer Role: Reviewer
Role-Approver Role: Approver
FieldValue-Title Request Title
FieldTitle-bwPRLStatus Title: Status
FieldTitle-bwPRLReference Title: Reference
FieldValue-bwPRLReference Value: Reference
FieldTitle-bwPRLDepartment Title: Department
FieldValue-bwPRLDepartment Value: Department
FieldTitle-bwPRLRequestedBy Title: Requested By
FieldValue-bwPRLRequestedBy Value: Requested By
FieldTitle-bwPRLCompletedBy Title: Completed By
FieldValue-bwPRLCompletedBy Value: Completed By
FieldTitle-bwPRLAcceptedBy Title: Accepted By
FieldValue-bwPRLAcceptedBy Value: Accepted By
Status-Label Status
StatusHasBeenSentTo-Label Status: Has Been Sent To
StatusAction-8 Approve
StatusAction-9 Reject
OldStatus-Label Old Status
comments Comments
Value_linkToItem Link to Item

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