BrightWork lists enable you to carry out a multitude of specific tasks - for example the Risks list can be used to identify potential threats to the success of a project.

BrightWork lists have a BrightWork Settings page, available from the List Settings page, that allows you to setup referencing and assignee email notification.

Most BrightWork lists have enhanced Alert options. The Alert Me options specific to each BrightWork list are detailed on their respective help pages.

Click here to view the list types for the relevant BrightWork project management lists.

Below is a brief description of the available BrightWork Lists:



Area Summary *

Use the Area Summary list to populate the Area Summary web part for the 4 areas in a top-level BrightWork site.

The 4 areas are:

  • BrightWork Home Page
  • Projects Area
  • Portfolio Reporting
  • Templates Area

Custom List

Use the BrightWork Custom list as a starting point to create your own custom list that can avail of BrightWork list features.

Project Change Requests

Use the Project Change Requests list to facilitate requests for significant changes to the project scope.

Project Goals

Use the Project Goals list to specify and track the target outcomes of a project.

Project Issues

Use the Project Issues list to specify, assign and track project related issues that need to be identified and monitored.

Project Metrics

Use the Project Metrics list to track and capture metrics relating to the project.

Project Milestone

Use the Project Milestones list to specify and important junctures of a project. Milestones are generally used as parts of a Project Phase.

Project Phase

Use the Project Phases list to specify and track the highest level stages of a project.

Project Portfolio

Use the Project Portfolio list to add a project site to a portfolio.

Project Risks

Use the Project Risks list when you need to specify and track threats to the success of the project.

Project Roles

Use the Project Roles list to specify the roles that will be assigned to Project Team members.

Project Statement*

Use the Project Statement list to capture and provide top-level and summary information about the project.

Report - Tabs

The Report - Tabs list drives the Tabs from List web part.

Project Tasks

Use the Project Tasks list to specify, assign and track project related tasks that need to be carried out.

Project Teams

Use the Project Teams list to create project teams.

Project Team-Role

Use the Project Team-Roles list to assign project roles and project team members to project teams.

Projects Tracker

Use the Projects Tracker list to manage the high-level details about a number of projects in a single location.

*The Area Summary and Project Statement lists are created automatically and cannot be added from the Create page.

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