The configure scheduling settings page is where you can make changes to your list's scheduler. You can configure permission levels, how summary tasks are handled, how metrics are promoted from the list, and whether to use automatic calculation.
The page works like a wizard. Use the Back and Next buttons to move through the sections. Click Finish to return to your task list.
These changes are not global and only apply to the current schedule enabled task list.
If you are activating the scheduler on an out-of-the-box SharePoint task list, there is a step you should take to add optional columns to your list.
Click Add Columns to optionally add Duration, Summary Task or Milestone columns.
Note: This option only exists for out-of-the-box SharePoint task lists and will not show on the default task list in BrightWork templates.
By default, scheduling can only be performed by someone with Manage Lists access - generally this means the user is a member of the Owner Group.
Click Enable to allow users with the lower Contributor permission level to also use scheduling actions.
To learn more about BrightWork and SharePoint security and permissions, click here.
Certain columns from the task list can have their values rolled up to their summary task.
Example: If a Budget column exists for your tasks, you might want to Sum these in the Summary Tasks.
To add a new rollup:
You can edit the column and change its formula at any time using the Edit interface.
Note: Columns that automatically rollup to summary tasks cannot be edited or removed. Similarly, custom rollups used in metric promotion can also not be removed.
Column data can be configured to automatically promote into a manual metric.
To add a new metric promotion:
You can remove a metric promotion item by clicking the Remove button in the row.
Individual metrics can be set to automatically refresh whenever the schedule is calculated.
To add a calculated metric to refresh:
You can remove a metric flagged for automatic recalculation by clicking the Remove button in the metric row.
BrightWork runs a Task Scheduling Timer Job that can automatically recalculate the schedule on a set interval. Click Enable to add this task list to the timer job for rescheduling.
Tip! Disable automatic re-calculation when the project has finished to reduce timer job overhead.