A Project Statement Join enables you to include a column from the Project Statement on the same row as items from other lists in a report. This also means you can use a column in the Project Statement to group and sort across multiple lists and sites. For example, imagine a scenario where you have added a Region column to the Project Statement. If you joined this column with the other lists in an Open Work report, you would be able to group by region in the report.

To create a Project Statement join:

  1. Add the column to the report and check the Add this column to the List Query Templates checkbox.

  2. Scroll down and click Edit Column Mappings for the first list in the List Query Templates section.
  3. Select the Include Project Statement Columns check box.
  4. Find the column you added and select the From Project Statement option beside it.

  5. Click Update.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the other lists in the List Query Templates section.

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