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BrightWork Website
Go Deeper with SharePoint & BrightWork
SharePoint Basics
About adding users
About alerts
About BrightWork
About BrightWork and SharePoint security
Create a list item
Help & Guidance
My Work Report
Update a list item
What is a document library?
What is a list?
What is a site collection?
What is a view?
What is a web part?
BrightWork Lists
About BrightWork lists
Custom list
Project change request
Project deliverables document library
Project goals
Project issues
Project phases & milestones
Project risks
Project tasks
Projects tracker
Report - tabs
Project Status Reports
Create a project status report
Status report column mapping
Project Team and Roles
Associate work items with roles
Project teams and roles
Propagate owner values
Setup teams and roles
Administrative Tasks
Add a column to a BrightWork list
BrightWork icons
BrightWork list settings page
BrightWork users report
Choice icon column
Column visibility settings
Completed flag
Create a BrightWork list
Edit a BrightWork list column
Email notification
Export and import list data
Modify a BrightWork list
Number indicator icon column
Process guidance help link column
Reference Numbering
Update reference numbers
User Access Report
Web Parts
About BrightWork web parts
Add a BrightWork web part
Add a BrightWork web part page
Area summary
Configure a web part
Export and import web parts
Gantt chart
List board view
List chart view
List Gantt view
List grid view
Lookup view
Metric history chart
Metric scorecard
Metric tiles
My alerts
Project statement costs
Project statement dates
Project statement property
Project statement XML
Remove a web part
Web hierarchy view