To manage Scheduled Report Emails you have three options:
All options enable you to see at a glance what Scheduled Report Emails exist at the relevant location, which ones are active and other details about each Scheduled Report Email list item such as which emails failed to send and why they failed to send.
Note: More detail as to why an email failed to send can be found in the relevant Scheduled Report Email list item and in the ULS logs.
The Scheduled Report Email list does not support Exporting and Importing.
BrightWork includes a SharePoint PowerShell command-line action cmdlet that can be used by a SharePoint Administrator logged into the SharePoint Server to process scheduled emails. This cmdlet will process ALL the active scheduled emails for the specified site collection. It does not check if the site has been excluded from the site collection - this would have to be manually checked before calling this command.
Syntax of the command to process scheduled emails for a site collection:
Process-BWScheduledEmails [-Identity] <Site Collection URL>
Example command to process scheduled emails:
Process-BWScheduledEmails https://myserver/sites/my-bw-sitecollection