Activate the Project Status Report Cache

Before you can use the Project Status Report Cache you it needs to be activated as follows:

  • In your site click Site Settings.
  • Click Site Collection Features.
  • Click Activate to turn on the BrightWork Project Status Report Cache feature.

Deactivate the Project Status Report Cache

To deactivate the Project Status Report Cache you should do the following:

  • In your site click Site Settings.
  • Click Site Collection Features.
  • Click Deactivate to turn off the BrightWork Project Status Report Cache feature.

Default Report and Views in the Project Status Report Cache

When you select the Project Status Report Cache in BrightWork Reporter a view is not used for the default report. A custom report is created showing only the most recent report from each project site. This is determined by:

  • Sorting by the latest 'For Period Ending' date
  • Then sorting by the latest 'Modified' date

One default view is available out-of-the-box to BrightWork Reporter. This view Status Reports - Open Projects shows all items in the cache as this cache only contains reports from open projects.

Configuring the Views

For faster reporting, views can be configured as a means of filtering project status reports. Less items in a report, the faster it is!

To configure the views:

  • Enter bwPSRCache after the site URL for example: server/sites/sitename/bwPSRCache
  • This will open the Project Status Report Cache from here you can configure the views.

When configuring views there is no need to specify columns, grouping, or sorting. Instead only configure the filters as that is all that is used in Reporter.

We recommend limiting the amount of views you have in the project status report cache, as this may impact the refresh time of the cache.

Adding Columns to the Project Status Report Cache

It is also possible to add custom columns to the Project Status Report Cache so it can track your own custom data.

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