BrightWork contains a number of timer jobs that must be feature activated to take advantage of the functionality they support. This is generally done when BrightWork is installed. The timer jobs are deactivated by default and must be activated (or deactivated) from the Manage Web Application Features page in SharePoint Central Administration on a web application by web application basis.

BrightWork Metric Recalculation Timer Job

The Project Metrics Recalculation Timer Job automatically recalculates all the active metrics. Project sites can be excluded from the Metrics timer job on a site by site basis.

BrightWork Project Cache Maintenance Timer Job

The BrightWork Project Cache Maintenance Timer Job activates a timer job that supports the Project Cache.

BrightWork Project Schedule Recalculation Timer Job (Obsolete)

The BrightWork Project Schedule Recalculation Timer Job recalculates Project Schedule lists in this web application. The Project Schedule list is a deprecated feature from a previous version of BrightWork. This timer job is now obsolete.

BrightWork Project Status Report Cache Maintenance Timer Job

The BrightWork Project Status Report Cache Maintenance Timer Job activates a timer job that supports the Project Status Report Cache.

BrightWork Scheduled Email Timer Job

The BrightWork Scheduled Email Timer Job sends Scheduled Email Reports.

BrightWork Task Scheduling Timer Job

The BrightWork Task Scheduling Timer Job activates a timer job which calculates the schedule for any included task lists in this web application.

BrightWork User Access Report Timer Job

The BrightWork User Access Report Timer Job activates a timer jobs that generates a User Access Report.

BrightWork Work Cache Maintenance Timer Job

The BrightWork Work Cache Maintenance Timer Job activates two timer jobs that support the Work Cache.

The time and frequency the timer jobs run at can be adjusted via central administration.

To activate or deactivate a BrightWork timer job:

  1. Login to SharePoint Central Administration.
  2. Click Manage Web applications.
  3. Ensure you have the correct web application selected and click Manage features.
  4. Click Activate or Deactivate next to the relevant timer job.

BrightWork Timer Job Run Conditions

The BrightWork Timer jobs check the following conditions before running:

Condition Action
ReadLocked If the site collection has ReadLocked set to true then it will not be processed.
ReadOnly If the site collection has ReadOnly set to true then it will not be processed. Note: This is the site collection state when it is being backed up. You should take care not to schedule e-mails when the site collection backup runs.
WriteLocked If the site collection has WriteLocked set to true then it will not be processed.

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