The quickest way to find out what work is assigned to you is to use the My Work report. This report displays all the work items where the user viewing the report is the assignee or owner of the work item in question. You can also select another user and see their work items.

A work item is defined as a item from one of the below lists where the completed flag has not been triggered.

  • Project Issues
  • Project Change Requests
  • Project Deliverables
  • Project Goals
  • Project Milestones
  • Project Phases
  • Project Risks
  • Project Tasks
  • SharePoint Issue
  • SharePoint Project Tasks
  • SharePoint Task

If you have been assigned work in many projects you can get a global view by using the My Work report in the Projects Area.

To view the My Work report in the Projects Area click My Work on the Quick Launch. Generally, there should be a link to the My Work report in the Quick Launch of every project site.

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