Activate the Project Cache

The Project Cache is activated by default. If you need to activate the Project Cache after it has been deactivated you should do the following:

  • In your site click Site Settings.
  • Click Site Collection Features.
  • Click Activate to turn on the BrightWork Project Cache feature.

Deactivate the Project Cache

To deactivate the Project Cache you should do the following:

  • In your site click Site Settings.
  • Click Site Collection Features.
  • Click Deactivate to turn off the BrightWork Project Cache feature.

Views in the Project Cache

Using Project Cache views provides faster access to specific data than returning all items. Out of the box there are three views, these are:

  • All Projects reports on all projects in the site.
  • Open Projects reports on projects that are not started or in progress.
  • My Projects reports on projects where the logged in user is the Project Manager.

The All Items filter in the Project Cache shows you every item, including Project Statements and Project and Work Tracker items. We recommend using the All Projects view when you want to just see projects.

Configuring the Views

For faster reporting, views can be configured as a means of filtering projects. Less projects in a report, the faster it is!

To configure these Views:

  • Enter bwProjectCache after the site URL for example: server/sites/sitename/bwProjectCache
  • This will open the Project Cache from here you can configure the views.

When configuring views there is no need to specify columns, grouping, or sorting. Instead only configure the filters as that is all that is used in Reporter.

We recommend limiting the amount of views you have in the project cache, as this may impact the refresh time of the cache.

Adding Columns to the Project Cache

It is also possible to add custom columns to the Project Cache so it can track your own custom data.

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