If you add a column to a list, you will have to manually add this column to one of your own custom reports to be able to include data from the column in reports.

To add a column to a report:

  1. Navigate to the BrightWork Reporter Library, select a report and click Files | Report Editor.

    See Copy a Report for the steps on how to add a report.

  2. Click Add a new column.
  3. Enter the column internal name - generally, this should be the internal column name of the list column you are trying to report on.

    See Identify the Internal SharePoint Column Name for information on how to identify the column internal name.

    Column names are case sensitive, for example, if the internal column name was 'soMEcolUMN', this is the arrangement you would have to use.

    See Project Metrics Columns for information on column internal names in the Project Metrics list.

    The column internal name must be unique, i.e. you cannot have two columns in the one report with the same column internal name.

    The report column internal name cannot contain spaces, leading numbers or unsupported characters. The only supported characters are letters, numbers and underscores (i.e. “_”). See Edit Column Mappings for information on how to remedy this and other column mapping scenarios.

  4. Enter a unique caption for the column. You cannot have two columns in one report with the same caption.
  5. Select the column type.
  6. Specify or select the additional column settings.
    The options available depend on the column type selected.
    • Single line of text
      • Default value:
        Specify a default value for this column that will be displayed if no value is returned from the query - this is normally left blank.
      • Expression
        See Working with Expressions.
    • Multiple lines of text

      Specify the type of text to display:

      • Plain text
      • Rich text
    • Choice (menu to choose from)
      • Default value:
        Specify a default value for this column that will be displayed if no value is returned from the query - this is normally left blank.
      • Allow multi-values:
        Select Yes to make this a multi-value column
    • Number (1, 1.0, 100)
      • Default value:
        Specify a default value for this column that will be displayed if no value is returned from the query - this is normally left blank.
      • Format Settings
        Select the desired format settings:
        • Format
          Select the number of decimal places and whether or not so show the number as a percentage
        • Use Custom Format
      • Expression
        See Working with Expressions.
    • Currency ($, ¥, €)
      • Default value:
        Specify a default value for this column that will be displayed if no value is returned from the query - this is normally left blank.
      • Format Settings
        Select the desired format settings:
        • Format
          Select the number of decimal places and whether or not so show the number as a percentage
        • Use Custom Format
      • Currency format:
        Select the desired currency format
      • Expression
        See Working with Expressions.
    • Date and Time
    • Lookup (information already on this site)
      • Allow multi-values:
        Select Yes to make this a multi-value column
    • Yes/No (check box)
      • Default value:
        Specify a default value for this column that will be displayed if no value is returned from the query - this is normally left blank.
      • Expression
        See Working with Expressions.
    • Person or Group
      • Include presence information

      • Allow multi-values:
        Select Yes to make this a multi-value column

    • Hyperlink or Picture
      • Format URL as:
        • Hyperlink
        • Picture
    • Metric Indicator Status

      Items in the Project Metrics list will have a status of either: On Target; Warning; or Danger. Add this column to display this information.

    • Moderation Status

      If a list or library has Content Approval enabled, this column will enable you to map to the Approval Status column and show you the item status (e.g. Pending, Approved or Rejected).

    • Workflow Status

      If a list has a workflow added to it, this column will enable you do display the status of the workflow (e.g. Completed, Cancelled, In Progress).

  7. Select Add the Column to the List Query Templates.

    If you do not select this you will have to map the new column on a list by list basis. Adding the column to all the list queries has no impact on performance.

  8. Click Create.

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