You can export the contents of a BrightWork list (including attachments) for importing into another BrightWork list. This streamlines the process of migrating data between lists and also enables the sharing of list data with SharePoint users outside of your organization.

To export list data:

  1. Click Items | Export List Data on the list ribbon.

  2. Select All items to export all items in the list, or select View filter and pick a view to export from the drop down.
  3. Click Export and save the XML file to a suitable location.
  4. Click Close.

To import list data:

  1. Click Items | Import List Data on the list ribbon.
  2. Click Browse and navigate to the location the XML file is stored in.
  3. Click Open.
  4. Optional: Select the Import Users checkbox to import users from the XML.
  5. Click Import.

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